Arugula Salad with Pears & Beets

1/2 jar of pickled beets or you could start with fresh beets and cook them. Beets aren't in season right now, at least in Wisconsin. Besides I happened to have a jar of pickled beets in the refrigerator.
Bunch of arugula
If it looks as though you won't have enough arugula, add some salad greens--preferably local
2 pears, peeled and sliced--I know pears are not in season in Wisconsin now either. I got a couple of pears at Whole Foods and felt slightly guilty for a very short time
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese--yes it was local!
1/4 cup cups toasted pecans
For dressing you can either use some raspberry vinegar & olive oil or Annie's Raspberry Vinaigrette
Adapted from